
Chat API

This memo describes how to exchange events between servers through the Chat API channel when integrating with JivoChat. Chat API channel is asynchronous and bidirectional, a custom server is required capable of receiving and sending events.

Channel protocol#

Transport protocol for the event transmission is HTTPS (at the development stage it is allowed to use HTTP). An event is contained in a body of a POST-request in JSON format (note: text encoding in JSON format is UTF-8), requests must have an appropriate header Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8. Event structure is described further. Response options are divided into 3 groups according to the HTTP-response code.

2xxSuccess. Event is accepted for processingInform the user about successfull delivery
4xxRequest failed. Event rejectedThere may be a description of the error (type of content Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8) in the body of the response. This event should not be resubmitted. It is necessary to find and correct the error of the program or channel settings that led to the error. Inform the user about the event delivery failure
Any other HTTP code or connection errorThe request cannot be accepted at this time. Event is not acceptedIn case of an HTTP code 5xx or if connection fails it is recommended to resend the request up to 3 times with an interval of 3-60 seconds. Inform the user that the event is temporarily undeliverable. Contact server support

Creation of a channel#

To create a Chat API channel in JivoChat, use the JivoChat app. Once created, a URL, that you can use to send events to JivoChat, will be available to you in the settings of the channel, for example: To receive messages from JivoChat, set up a custom server and add the URL to receive events in the channel settings in the app.

Channel status#

If you add a segment /status at the end of the URL for sending events to JivoChat (for example,, then in the body of a response to a GET-request you will get a status of the channel, where 0 means the absence of online agents, and 1 or any other means the presence of agents online. This only works if it's a successful response with the code 2xx.

Event structure#

Protocol is symmetric, and protocol structure is the same for events from JivoChat to a client server and back.

senderUserMessage sender
recipientUserMessage recipient
messageMessageMessage text


FieldTypeDescriptionMax size
idstringClient identificator, required parameter when sending events to JivoChat and when receiving events from JivoChat recipient.id255 symbols
namestringUsername255 symbols
photostringUser avatar URL, valid https or http schemes2048 symbols
urlstringUser page URL, valid https or http schemes2048 символов
emailstringUser email255 symbols
phonestringUser phone number2-15 symbols
invitestringClient invitation text1000 symbols
groupstringDepartment a client applies to10 digits
intentstringSubject of a customer's request255 characters
crm_linkstringClient URL in a CRM system2048 characters


FieldTypeDescriptionMax size
idstringMessage identificator, required if you want to change the status of a message after it has been sent500 characters
datenumberMessage creation/sending time, integerLimited to reasonable UNIX time
filestringMedia URL2048 characters, valid scheme https or http
thumbstringMedia preview image URL2048 characters, valid https or http scheme
file_sizenumberSize of media data in octets (bytes)Positive integer, limited by client applications
widthnumberImage or video width in pixelsPositive integer, limited by client applications
heightnumberImage or video height in pixelsPositive integer, limited by client applications
file_namestringMedia data file name255 characters, may not be compatible with legacy file systems!
mime_typestringMIME type of media dataLimited to the list of allowed values
textstringMessage textIt is recommended to limit the length to 1000 characters - if it is exceeded, the rest of the text will be sent in separate text messages
titlestringMessage title255 characters
latitudenumberLocation latitude, real numberfrom -90.0000 to +90.0000
longitudenumberLocation longitude, real number-180.0000 to +180.0000
valuenumberNumber, usually used in the chat evaluationany number
keyboard[]KeyArray of Key structures7 keys
multiplebooleanAllows multiple selection on the keyboard, booleantrue or false


It is mandatory for a key to have one structure field, both in the keyboard request and response. See example for details. Priority of fields for display to the user is shown in the table in descending order.

FieldTypeDescriptionMax size
textstringKey text100 characters
imagestringImage URL (https or http scheme)2048 characters
titlestringTitle or tooltip key100 characters
idstringKey ID500 characters

Message types#

TypeDescriptionRequired fields
textText messagetext
video[Video message](#video message)file
audioAudio messagefile
documentDocument or file, in a message of this type, you can send any files that are allowed to be transferred to JivoChat appfile
locationLocationlatitude longitude
rate[Chat rating](#Chat rating)value
that was readid
keyboardKeyboard with options, details in the examplekeyboard
typeintyping event, in the text field of this message you can send the typed text so that it is visible to the JivoChat app user. Send this event no more than once every 5 seconds from one client-
startStart chat, it's intended to start a chat without sending a message by the client-
stopEnd chat, a signal that events for this chat are no longer accepted-

Event Examples#

JivoChat Event Examples#

If at least one sender property is defined for the JivoChat user, a sender field with this information is added to the event. The recipient of the message is identified by the field.

{ "sender": { "id": "XXX", "name": "Consultant", "photo": "", "email": "" }, "recipient": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "text", "id": "0000", "date": 946684800, "text": "Hello!" } }

Keyboard with answer options#

The keyboard can only be sent from a JivoChat app user to a client:

{ "recipient": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "keyboard", "id": "0009", "title": "Questionnaire", "text": "To be or not to be?", "multiple": false, "keyboard": [ { "id": "1", "text": "yes" }, { "id": "2", "text": "no" }, { "id": "X", "text": "need to think..." } ] } }

It is expected that the client's response to such a message will be one element from the keyboard array, if multiple != true:

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "keyboard", "id": "0009", "multiple": false, "keyboard": [ { "id": "X", "text": "need to think..." } ] } }

or more than one, if multiple = true.

If client’s app does not support a keyboard with answer options, it is recommended to convert this type of message to a text list to display to the client, for example:


 To be or not to be?
   1) yes
   2) no
   X) need to think...

The response to the keyboard message can be a text message, for example:

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "text", "text": "need to think..." } }

The following are examples of events to send to JivoChat.

Chat start#

Upon the first event from the client, it is recommended to fill the sender structure. Then the field will be enough, and the remaining fields of this structure can be filled only when they change.

{ "sender": { "id": "001", "name": "John Doe", "photo": "", "url": "", "phone": "+1 234 568 890", "email": "", "invite": "Hello! May I help you?" }, "message": { "type": "start" } }

Text message#

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "text", "id": "0001", "date": 946684800, "text": "Hello!" } }


{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "photo", "id": "0002", "date": 946684800, "file": "", "mime_type": "image/png", "file_name": "image.png", "file_size": 1024, "thumb": "", "width": 800, "height": 600, "title": "Title", "text": "Image comment." } }


{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "sticker", "id": "0003", "date": 946684800, "file": "", "mime_type": "image/gif", "file_name": "sticker.gif", "file_size": 1024, "width": 256, "height": 256 } }

Video message#

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "video", "id": "0004", "date": 946684800, "file": "", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "file_name": "video.mp4", "file_size": 1048576, "thumb": "", "width": 640, "height": 480, "title": "Title", "text": "Video comment." } }

Audio message#

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "audio", "id": "0005", "date": 946684800, "file": "", "mime_type": "audio/mpeg", "file_name": "audio.mp3", "file_size": 2048, "title": "Title", "text": "Audio message comment." } }

Document or file#

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "document", "id": "0006", "date": 946684800, "file": "", "mime_type": "application/pdf", "file_name": "document.pdf", "file_size": 512, "title": "Title", "text": "Document comment." } }


{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "location", "id": "0007", "date": 946684800, "text": "It's here.", "latitude": 53.3416484, "longitude": -6.2868531 } }

Chat rating#

At the moment, 3 options for the value field are used: 0 is interpreted as a refuse to rate, a positive number - a positive rating, a negative number - a negative chat rating.

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "rate", "id": "0008", "value": 1 } }

Typing event#

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "typein", "text": "Wait a minute" } }

Message read event#

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "seen", "id": "0001" } }

Chat end#

{ "sender": { "id": "001" }, "message": { "type": "stop" } }

Problem solving#

If you find inaccuracies in this memo, please report them to us in chat JivoChat or to email.